Exotic Pet & Cat Check-Ins

Caring for all scaly, feathery and furry friends !

Exotic Pet Care

With Tinkle Time Exotic Pet Care, you can have peace of mind leaving your small animals at home with exotic animal care professionals check-in services. Our experienced staff have a broad knowledge of exotic care, making us a wonderful option for pets with extra special requirements.

Service includes feeding, fresh water, spot cleaning, regular enclosure maintenance and plenty of love and attention. Visits are 25 minutes. Medication administration for an additional fee. Special needs animals welcome (syringe feeding, fecal stimulation etc.)

We currently offer check-in services for the following exotic pets:
– Guinea Pigs / Chinchillas / Gerbils
– Rabbits
– Chickens
– Piglets
– Fish
– Lizards
– Bearded Dragons
– Frogs
– Snakes (excluding those exceeding 25 ft or 4 in diameter)
No venomous species permitted

  • Single Animal
  • $30/visit
  • Additional Animals
  • +$5 per
  • Medication
  • +$5/dose
  • Special Requests
  • Up to $10

Cat Check-Ins

Efficient 20 Minute Visit

– Includes up to two cats
– G
eneral sweep of litter area + litter scooping and / or changing
– Tidy of food bowls / area
– Love + cuddles

  • Base Rate

  • $30/visit
  • Additional Cats
  • +$5 per
  • Medication
  • +$5/dose
  • Holiday Rate
  • +$15/visit

35 Minute Play Visit

– Includes up to two cats
– G
eneral sweep of litter area + litter scooping and / or changing
– Tidy of food bowls / area
– Love + cuddles

  • Base Rate

  • $40/visit
  • Additional Cats
  • +$5 per
  • Medication
  • +$5/dose
  • Holiday Rate
  • +$15/visit